


BBGH的康复和健康中心支持涵盖所有三个学科的全部治疗师; 物理治疗,职业治疗, 言语/语言病理学.

儿科治疗, 骨盆健康, 水疗法, 和 pre/postnatal therapy are also specialties our staff are experienced in 和 provide. 每个治疗师都使用特定的技术和治疗方法,旨在帮助你实现康复的目标. 作为一个多学科团队, we take a patient-centered approach that is tailored to each patient's individual needs.

物理治疗师 specialize in musculoskeletal impairments that limit a patient's ability to move, 走, 或者完成有意义的任务. They treat a wide range of injuries 和 impairments ranging from stroke, 手术后恢复, 还是回到运动中.

职业治疗师 focus more on the patient's activities of daily living. 他们能够为患者提供教育和适应性设备,使他们能够重新完成工作, 首页, 或者娱乐活动.

语言病理学家 specialize in the ability to evaluate 和 treat issues related to a patient's ability to talk, 吞下, 理解信息, 和解决问题. They also provide education 和 helpful ways to deal with memory or attention issues.

Our staff also provides convenience for your schedule. 安排一个接一个的预约,这样你就可以在几个小时内从透析或其他预约直接到治疗! IM电竞App官网的工作人员还可以向您推荐生活方式医学专家或营养专家,为您提供全方位的健康解决方案. 

除了, IM电竞App官网的健身中心配有专业人员,随时准备协助您使用中心的全套运动设备,帮助您实现健康目标. 

住院病人 & 门诊服务

The 康复中心 和 健康中心 provides both inpatient 和 outpatient care including physical therapy, occupational therapy 和 演讲-language pathology services. 住院病人 如果你的医生认为有必要在入院时和/或你在住院期间功能下降,可能会接受护理. 治疗服务可能包括强化, 步态训练, 增强功能独立性, 日常生活活动的训练, receiving a 定制家庭锻炼计划, 和吞咽, 演讲, 或者认知训练. This will continue during the duration of your hospital stay to improve your ability to return 首页, or improve your ability to carry out your daily tasks safely when you are discharged from the hospital.

门诊 services may be received if your doctor feels it is necessary, 和 after you have been discharged from the hospital. You may require outpatient services after recent hospitalization, 手术, 增加痛苦, 功能衰退, 运动损伤, 等. 治疗服务包括加强, 体位训练, 步态训练, 增强功能独立性, 日常生活活动的训练, 定制家庭锻炼计划, 吞咽, 演讲, 认知训练. 每个治疗学科将评估你的需求,并协调他们的努力,以满足你的具体目标.