
HCAHPS Quarterly Report

According to the Centers of Medicaid and Medicare and Medicaid 服务 (CMS), HCAHPS(医院消费者对医疗服务提供者和系统的评估)调查是第一个全国性的, 标准化, publicly reported survey of patients' perspectives of hospital care ... The HCAHPS survey asks discharged patients 27 questions about their recent hospital stay. 该调查包含18个核心问题,涉及患者住院经历的关键方面 ..."

BBGH使用Press Ganey, an approved CMS survey vendor that is used by thousands of hospitals nationwide, to conduct its HCAHPS survey. 上面的链接指向最近一个季度的PDF,其中包含了每个调查问题的结果. Press Ganey compares those results to BBGH's last quarter (at left). 它还将BBGH的结果与Press Ganey提供服务的其他医院的当前结果进行了比较(右图)。. Acrobat Reader is required to view the survey.