


Growing up in Wyoming, Tiffany moved to Nebraska in 2005. Currently, she lives in Sutherland and will be commuting to BBGH. 她就读于张伯伦护理学院,并于2022年10月以APRN毕业.

While doing clinicals at BBGH over the summer and fall, Tiffany decided that BBGH was the place for her!

 “I loved the employees and the atmosphere," she said. "I knew this was where I wanted to work. Being treated as part of the team here, 即使在学生时代, sealed the deal for me wanting to work here.”

作为一名医疗服务提供者,蒂芙尼的目标是为患者提供最优质的护理. “My goal is that patients feel heard and that they matter,” she added.

Her favorite philosophy is “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” by Confucius.

When she isn't working, Tiffany says she enjoys spending her time boating, 野营, and traveling with her family. She added that her favorite 野营 spot is the Sutherland Reserve.